Dr. habil. Komenczi Bertalan has held the designation for some years, and explained the process to us. Two colleagues in the Institute for Media Informatics, Vice Rector Dr. Lajos Kis Tóth (toasting, left) and Dr. Sandor Forgó (far right, above) each prepared for and successfully achieved this status during the Spring term. Congratulations to both!
Jack and I had the privilege of attending the habilitation lecture by Dr. Kis-Tóth in Budapest. At least thirty people from the Institute either got up early and went by caravan from Eger, or met us there at the University of Budapest Pedagogical Institute. You could really see what an important occasion it was, and it was impressive how many colleagues came out for the event. We listened to an introduction outlining Dr. Kis-Tóth's accomplishments, then heard his lecture (in Hungarian), and a summary (in English). The panel of experts asked all of the audience to step out, and then in a few minutes, back in, for the announcement of the new habil. status of the Vice Rector. Champagne, wine, and pogacsas came next, of course!
Sandor Forgó's habilitation lecture was scheduled for the day before we left Hungary, also in Budapest. We weren't able to attend, but found out that he, too, did well and was successful. It was very interesting to be a part of these important academic events.
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